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Our Favorite Social Media Accounts

Do you ever monitor how much time you spend on social media? My iPhone announces my social media usage every week. It’s a lot! I am never surprised at how many hours I am on Instagram. Even though it may be excessive, it is so fun to check in with the accounts I follow.

I asked my team who they are following and why. I discovered it’s not just for entertainment, our favorites are inspiring, educational, and uplifting. We love all the great things you can learn while connecting with others who share our interests.

We each put together a list of our five favorite social media accounts for you to enjoy and follow us.

Stokes O'Shields - Senior Contributor

My platform of choice is Instagram as I like to follow artists and other visual media content creators.

Instagram: -Jamie Beck (Photographer)

@moon_petals_handmade -Moon Petals Handmade (Artist)

@caitlynswift -Caitlyn Swift (Artist)

@meglouart -Meg Louise (Artist)

Currently my favorite is:

@psychiccircleoddities -Psychic Circle Oddities (Artist)

I found this shop a few years ago and have always loved her. Inspired by gothic Victorian imagery, the owner does a lot of research into creating beautiful, interesting, and thoughtful products, such as mugs, pins, clothing, jewelry, and more! She has a new product drop once a week, and it’s exciting to see what she comes up with next.

Julia Duncan - Student Contributor


KKand BabyJ



@georgiafootball -Georgia Football @itsalliegray -Allie Gray

My favorite is:

@jacimariesmith -Jaci Marie (Entrepreneur)

I could look at her Instagram feed all day. I love the color coordination and how she incorporates a lot of photos taken with film, which are some of my favorite types of pictures at the moment. She also has a podcast called “What We Said” which I put on some mornings before class. The podcast is all about life and culture and it’s a great listen!

Budget Bytes Instagram Profile

Katy Matello - Senior Contributor


@cafebergson -Cafe Bergson

@natgeotravel -National Geographic Travel

@bored_teachers -Bored Teachers

Facebook & Instagram:

This is my newest favorite social media account. I love cooking, but have fallen into the rut of cycling through the same dozen meals. I found Budget Bytes a couple of weeks ago and it has inspired me to try some new dishes. I’m constantly sending their recipes to my husband. They are simple to follow and easy on the budget. It also helps that you can skip straight to the recipe without reading the life story pieces, often preceding recipes on food blogs.

Abbi Stickels - Student Contributor


@quotesbychristie -Quotes by Christie

@aussiesdoingthings -Aussies Doing Things (Dogs)


@whataboutbunny -What About Bunny (Dog)

@snarkymarky -Snarky Mark

I am inspired by TikToker and entrepreneur:

@nabela -Nabela (Entrepreneur)

Nabela is so positive and has carried so many good vibes through COVID-19. She brings such an aesthetic into the social media platform while still being so humble and honest about her story and journey through adulthood. I love her “pockets of peace!”

Full-time travel family, WorldTowning, in Morocco.

Gina Duncan - Editor

I have traveled around the world and along the way I have been introduced to some pretty awesome people who are very inspiring. Giving a shout out to a few of them on IG: @thesweetwanderlust, @inmyredhighheels , , @parchedaroundtheworld and @hannahlogan21.

Here are my five favorite accounts:


@troprouge -Christina Caradona (Blogger)

@glographics -Glo Atanmo (Entrepreneur)

@johnnyswim -Johnnyswim (Musical Artists)

Instagram & YouTube:

@thebucketlistfamily / The Bucket List Family (Family Travel Journalists)

Meet my friends:

WorldTowning/ @worldtowning (Family Travel Journalists)

WorldTowning is a family of four full-time travelers who have been on the road since 2014. They have lived in almost every continent and visited every country in Europe. Now they are living on a boat in France and about to set sail.

I was a fan of WorldTowning for two years when they started WorldTowning Voyages. I signed up immediately. Yes, I packed my bags and joined my favorite YouTubers on a group trip to Morocco. The best travel decision I’ve made in a long time. It was magic! I will forever be connected to everyone on that trip. We are family now.

Jessica, Will, Avery, and Largo of WorldTowning are relatable, generous, excellent community builders, adventurous, and incredible storytellers.

Elon Graves - Student Contributor


Jubilee (Conversation)

Enjoy (Podcast show)


melanatedmomma - Kemi Melanated Momma (Astrology)


@asiyami_gold -Asiyami Gold (A Visual Storyteller)

I am inspired by:

@dianamatos - Diana Matos (Dancer / Choreographer)

Diana Matos is a dancer, storyteller and leader whom I greatly admire. She’s danced for Rihanna, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj and so many more. Diana's passion for dance shows not only through her movement but through her work ethic and mentorship in this industry.

Diana’s Instagram is my favorite account right now because everything she posts feels honest, while still displaying creativity. Her profile consists of editorial photos and videos of her performing and teaching at her company, MOTUS. She posts what she does for a living and how she gives back to the community, while also sharing a little about her personal life. Just last week, I watched an Instagram Live conversation with Diana and her company, giving her followers the opportunity to ask important questions. She is a huge inspiration to the dance community and to me.

Yes Theory Instagram Profile

Michael Duncan - Student Contributor


@sportscenter -Sports Center


David Dobrik (Vlogger)

Brett Conti (Video Creator)

Yes Theory (Travel Journalists & Digital Creators)

My favorite and the most inspirational social media account is Yes Theory. They aim to seek discomfort in life to help lead to happiness. By completing some of your most terrifying goals or just going outside of your comfort zone, you are able to learn so much about yourself.

Fun fact: I tattooed their motto “Seek Discomfort” on the side of my ribs.

What social media accounts inspire you? We invite you to share your favorites in the comments.


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